ASSET&W is working with Jharkhand State Livelihood Promotion Society (JSLPS) as the implementation partner for Jharkhand Opportunities for Harnessing Rural Growth (JOHAR) Project.
The objective of the project in Jharkhand is to increase incomes through adoption of goat rearing, pig farming and backyard poultry.
Increased adoption of Improved Animal and Resources Management Practices by the target community.
Value chain related services to the target community by the Trained Pashu Sakhi (PS) & Cluster livestock Manager (CLM)
Target community is aware of Improved Animal and Resources Management Practices.
Breeder villages (goat and pig) and BYP Mother units established
The project plans to cater to 80000 Producers Groups member in across 16 districts of Jharkhand 49 blocks over a period of 6 years.
ASSET & W is providing its technical expertise through training and capacity building focus on Improved Animal and Resource Management (IAM).
In this partnership, ASSET & W is promoting Improved Animal and Resource Management (IAM) practices, ‘Passing on the Gift’® approach and trainings on Heifer’s 12 Cornerstones for Just and Sustainable Development.These trainings will foster strong inter-community linkages at the grass-root level that support functioning of the Producer Groups. The trainings are conducted through a cadre of trainers and Master Trainers (MT). This creates an ecosystem in which quality, volume and efficiency of production are improved in line with market demand. This ensures sustainable, fair, and regular markets for their produce.